Money Meets Mission
Money Meets Mission
Maximising Social Impact with Family Offices
In recent years, Asia has seen one of the highest growth rates of high-net worth individuals in the world, with its billionaire population expected to make up one-third of the world’s total by 2023. The region is also seeing second-generation wealth-holders starting to take over fast. This shift in wealth has, in turn, led to a growth and formalisation of philanthropy and family offices in Asia-Pacific. How can this emerging generation of the world’s richest pivot to maximise social impact and move the needle for humanity? How can they translate passion and values into action by integrating impact into their legacy? In the next hour, hear from Tony Yeung and Hui Hsing Ma on how families from Hong Kong-based Peterson Holdings Company Limited and Singapore-based Blue7 reviewed their investment approaches, and how you can also embark on a worthwhile impact investing journey.